Are you 9-14 years old, a creative who likes to get out on the land to explore, build skills and hang out where you can be yourself?

July 7 - 11, 2025

9:30 am - 3:30 pm

Honeybee Homestead

McDonalds Corners

Registration is Open

Youth camp is for the creative and expressive young person who likes to get out on the land for adventures.

The week is designed to have youth channel their energy and creativity in a space where they are themselves, with a balance of self-sufficiency and cooperative activities and hard and soft skills - from learning to hand carve wood to practicing socializing with new peers.

Days may be spent working with natural inks and dyes or out on the land with field guides, figuring out a wilderness challenge, or in the kitchen preparing a snack or a refreshing drink from the garden.

Generally, the week will be filled with cooperative projects, multisensory activities, creative focus time, skill building and time to connect with peers.

Youth can exercise their strengths while building new skills in a supportive environment where all voices and experiences can be heard and shared.

It's a co-creative week between participants and mentors, where youth have a choice in how they spend their days while focusing on arts-based activities, group connection and establishing a healthy co-existence with the natural world.

The week will gently encourage self expression and acceptance through dynamic, emergent, multi-sensory and exciting hands-on experiences.

‘He likes this group because all the
youth want to be here and are enthusiastic because everyone is
— Youth's Dad

The week will focus on a mix of nature based learning and creative expression

In 2024 the group had a chance to:

  • hand woodcarving

  • wilderness skills and challenges

  • large land-based art piece

  • natural dyeing and/or sun printing with plants

  • nature journaling

  • time in the garden

  • sprinkled with games and drama activities, seasonal cooking, storytelling and a group project.

  • Art in the forest exhibition for families and friends to take in.

2025 schedule will be launched in the spring

The week is guided by the interests of the group. Participants will influence the direction of the week based on their interests.



Process over outcome

Whether building a skill or diving into a creative endeavour our focus is on process over a goal, result or outcome. The focus is on making progress and improving our skills, without worrying too much about the end result. It reduces pressure, increases resilience, improves learning, greater satisfaction and builds confidence. 

Beginners Mindset

Looking at the world with fresh eyes, and eagerness to explore and discover is a big part of the experience. Being open, curious, and willing to learn new ideas, experiences and perspectives without judgment allows endless possibilities to reveal themselves. 

Unplug to plug in

This week will offer youth time to unplug from electronics to plug in and immerse themselves in creativity, skill building, nature and community. Putting a pause on the cluttered and distracted online world to focus on exploring their own desires and interests, building relational skills and trying new things!

Co-creative collaborative

Camp is focused on creativity and building a healthy coexistence with the natural world. How that comes to fruition has everything to do with who is participating. Everyone’s ideas, perspectives, experiences and interests influence how the week will come together, as it's a co-creative and collaborative process. Everyone matters and we can't wait to see what is co-created! 


This camp is for youth who want to…

  • Enjoy playing in the kitchen with fresh veggies and herbs from preparing (iced) teas, popsicles, and jellos to savory snacks

  • Acquire wilderness skills and deepen their knowing and understanding of nature’s clues

  • Cultivate community collaboration through a co-creative process

  • Try new things and be open to new experiences

  • Hang out in a welcoming, fun-filled, and relaxed space

  • Socialize and meet youth with similar interests

  • Explore multiple crafting and art techniques with the guidance of community artists

  • Establish a healthy co-existence with the natural world

  • Thrive in hands-on creative environments

  • Craft with natural materials including flower pounding, dyeing with natural materials and creating your own paints


Youth have to chance to…

  • Build confidence to spend time outdoors

  • Learn new skills to craft with natural materials

  • Co-create their week

  • Create pieces of art to take home

  • Gain a sense of achievement

  • Increase resilience through trial and error

  • Strengthen positive relationships with nature, peers and adults.

  • Be in community and improve overall well being

  • Immerse themselves in a creative outdoor week of fun!


Registration Details

July 7 - 11, 2025

9:30am - 3:30pm

McDonalds Corners ON

Pack snacks + a lunch

Dress for the weather

Maximum of 16 Youths (9-14 years old)

$325 per youth/per week ($100 deposit included) + materials fee

$70 per youth/per day (minimum 2 days) + materials fee

*Partial scholarships are available. Ask for details.



Melissa Cornacchia

Melissa is the Honeybee (Melissa in Greek) of the Homestead. She dances with and through life as a homesteader, folk herbalist, forager, naturalist, farm hand and dancer, sharing her love for nature and creativity gathering people to learn and create in community through shared experiences.


Jess Paquette

Jess is happiest in the forest with a sketchbook, pocket microscope and a fine tip pen, maybe some colours. She’s been teaching children and recently adults in the world of Arts and Nature for the last decade or so. She approaches life with joyful curiosity and the desire to examine and delight in the fine details.

Youth Monthly Series

Join youth at The Homestead once a month to hang out with other artsy nature enthusiasts. March 22 - April 26 - May 24 - June 21


Do you want to jump in before the summer?


Do you have any questions before registering? Ask us here

Did you know we also have…

Summer Camps for kids 5-10 yrs old

Summer Drop In for kids 5-10 yrs old

FAQ: I have a 9-year-old and 10-year-old, what’s the difference between the Summer Day Camp and the Youth Summer Camp?

The Summer Day Camps are geared towards emergent child-led learning and outdoor exploration and play with less structured activities.

The Youth Summer Camp is more structured and focused on building skills, exploring creative art forms, and spending time outdoors.

Your child’s interest and stage of development will determine which camp will be the best fit for them.

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